Naji N. Abumrad, MD
Chairman, SAB
Dr. Abumrad is currently the Emeritus Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He completed his General Surgery residency at the State University of New York (SUNY), Syracuse; subsequently he stayed on the faculty of the Department of Surgery for 2 years. He joined Vanderbilt in January 1979, and advanced academically, attaining professorship in Surgery, Medicine, and Molecular Biology, and was then named the Paul Sanger Professor of Experimental Surgery. In 1991, Dr. Abumrad left Vanderbilt to assume the role of Chair of the Department of Surgery at SUNY Stony Brook. In 1994, he took on the additional role of Interim Dean. In 1996, he joined the North Shore Health System, one of the largest healthcare systems in the USA, as Chairman of the Department of Surgery. In 2002, he rejoined the faculty at Vanderbilt as Chief of Surgical Services for the Veterans Administration Hospital , and in 2003 assumed the role of Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Vanderbilt.
Scientific Accomplishment:
Dr. Abumrad has been a surgeon scientist throughout his academic career which has thus far spanned four and a half decades. His work has generated several patents the most important of which relates to the discovery of β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB), which is currently used worldwide as a staple of many medical nutritional products. His research has been continuously funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) in the USA since 1983 and he has authored well over 300 articles in peer-reviewed journals and several book chapters.
Professional Associations:
Dr. Abumrad is an active member of numerous professional associations including the American Medical Association, the American College of Surgeons, Academic Surgical Association, Society of University Surgeons, Association for Academic Surgery, American Diabetes Association, and others. His professional interests have earned him appointments to serve as a regular member on several NIH study sections and served on the NIH council.
In addition to numerous awards as a teacher, educator, surgeon, and scientist, Dr. Abumrad has been the recipient of the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 2004 for contributions made by immigrants and their children and grandchildren in America. Past medalists include six Presidents and several Nobel laureates, leaders of industry, education, the arts, sports, and government. In 2014, he was inducted in the very prestigious American Association for the Advancement of Science, and he is only of one three surgeons worldwide that have achieved this honor.
Dr. Abumrad is a founder and current CEO and Chairman of the Board of Metabolic Technologies, (MTI) Inc. MTI is a research and development company located in Ames, Iowa, with a primary focus on the development of medically proven nutraceuticals. MTI is a holder of over 30 patents, most notably that of HMB, which is currently licensed to Abbott for inclusion in Ensure® and comparable products. He is also a co-founder and served as the Chairman the Board of OR International and is a board member of OR International LTD, UK. The ORI group of companies founded UK Specialty Hospitals (UKSH) Corp that owned and operated 5 private hospitals in the UK.